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Pretty Quotes, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from

14.6.08 Y 5:10 PM

Hi people out there...It's been ages since i've june holiday was awesome...i watched indiana jones 4, kung fu panda ,narnia and a tamil movie!u may think i'm lucky....oh..yes indeed...yesterday was mie b' beautiful gifts from my parents,bro n my truely best friend jing yi....thanx 2 all of between fun..i still revised my work...and erm...i think it's time people realise who r they're BEST FRIENDS...well, u may think tat i'm sure she's my best friend...but think a thousand times...i 2 had gone in the wrong path with a wrong a wrong friend...but i regretted doing all tat i've done 4 her after she fought with me...just 2 remind her[don't wanna mention names..], i'm never her bestfriend....and tat's all....