18.2.09 Y 8:09 PM

Xin Ying,Prisc,Shannon n Eliza

Me!hahas..n My sisters!Xin Ying n Prisc

Me n Sis Xin ying

Walkin Back 2 Sch..

Mr.Iliyas..My Geo t'cher...handsome rite??he onie 18 u noe!

Syafiqah,Xin Ying,Prisc,-.-,Sherry n Eliza


Nadia,Syad,Faiz,Syakurah,Si Han

Wen Tao=DEVIL!

Si han....

Joanne...she chio rite??got a pic b4 she cover her face..hehe...bt she noes lah..
Yosh ppl!hi...i'm bk after quite a no. of days..sch was sooo fun 2dae!hahas...during D&t lesson,jing hong kept on asking mr.lim if he knew d side,titanic song...lols...den make us lugh aso...!den saif another 1..go bang d table wib his wter bottle n eventually swept d whole workshop!poor him....u must have seen his face sweeping...SO FUNNY SIA...den after sch go buy bubble tea...den go geo supp...so fun!let d pics do d talk...c ya guys soon!Muackz~~~