5.1.09 Y 4:31 PM

Hey ppl...couldn't think of a title...soo juz typed tat...ya..uhh...2dae had a tour around sch...IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN BIG!i think i could get lost there 1 day liao...!k..uhh...k...uhh...i think i didn't post abt my brand new close fwens...xin ying, nadya & prisilla...k..ya..they're d ppl who i made fwens on d 1st day..k..uhh.tk MRT wib nadya...she got down @ sembawang...,...den came home...k...received sms from navia sayin' tat she didn't get into riverside...*cries* 4 her...k..uhh....since many ppl have been askin' me 2 take a pic of me wearing my specs..i've updated it...nice?gd..nt?dun even bother!Bye!